Just announced (at previous panel) that he's doing Rocketeer.
Right now, for free, download Luther for free at www.markwaid.com. You can buy the comics from the website, but feel free to share them--it's much more important to get it out there.
"Digital comics should be $0.99. Period."
With digital, there are wins and losses:
-Lose: Full shots, huge page spreads
-Win: We are still learning about how to write and read digital comics; the industry is still developing; you have 2 pages; it's a chance to try new things out.
Things we are learning about digital:
How many screens is a visitor willing to look at? How quickly do you need to develop newer material? How much new material is too much? How much story gives a feeling of completion, similar to a paper book?
-About 8-10 screens per week seems to be the ideal
These are NOT motion comics.
On writing:
Why doesn't every issue of Daredevil start with Matt with a gun in his mouth?
Things have to go right sometimes for the characters, otherwise the audience no longer can relate.
"Your job is to make yourself happy, because no one else will."
Consequences for characters have to persist in the world. The characters don't get to wipe the slate clean with every new page or book. Actions have to have ramifications.
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